Autore Topic: [Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi  (Letto 7756 volte)


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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #15 il: 2014-03-27 16:42:04 »
Se poi facciamo un breve riassunto delle regole io sono contento, al momento non le ho chiarissime XD


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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #16 il: 2014-03-27 17:53:06 »
Domandona: il manuale dice che Non-wizards are trained by the wizards of the Circle, so they begin with points of spells equal to Wits, which must include both black and white magic; ma dice anche che Player-characters without the wizard Profession begin play with five points of spells, choosing anything from the list they like adding up to 5 points, as long as both colors are represented.

Quindi? Un PG inizia con Wits, o con cinque punti, da spendere in magia?

Moreno Roncucci

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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #17 il: 2014-03-27 18:49:27 »
Mauro, dovrebbe essere nel thread di domande sulle regole che vi avevo segnalato (non l'ultimo specifico su asce lance e scudi, quello generico chiamato "rule questions"), il "5 punti di incantesimi" è una dimenticanza da un draft precedente, la regola è "pari ai punti di Wits"

Non solo: una successiva domanda nello stesso thread ha chiarito che se spendi il punto ulteriore su Wits, parti con un punto di incantesimi in più (cioè non vale il "non cambia niente", non cambia solo abilità, provenienza, etc - cioè per esempio se il punto in più porta wits a 9, non ottieni una nuova professione)
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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #18 il: 2014-03-27 19:09:31 »
E chi ha avuto il tempo di leggere anche quello? XD


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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #19 il: 2014-03-28 15:06:42 »
Astrid dopo la fine della prima avventura:

Brawn      6
Quickness   9
Wits      8
Charm      7


From Famberge, where people fight to live

Martial (high)


Demeanor   12 Fierce – not hostile or angry, but clearly ready for action
Feature      12 Emblem – denotes family, region of birth, or a profession; this is in addition to the Circle emblem ordinarily worn by the player-characters


ooo ooo oo

Cat (1w)
Perfect senses (1w)
Command plant (2w)
Shadow Cloud (1b)
Trailtwister (2b)

As Outdoorsman, I'm familiar with staff sling, bow, and hand axe; moreover, I'm good with the knife and spear. As a knight, I was trained in mail, cone helmet, buckler, and parma.

Key event: A young woman from a small village, Astrid was caught by warring faction attacking her village, and brought away from her native land. During the voyage she was freed in a fight, and hid herself in the woods, living in small wood communities and learning a way to survive there. One day she was leading astray an armed group, but she was cornered and had to fight her way out; when she was outnumbered and nearly defeated, a group of Circle knight helped her to save her life, and the wood communities.


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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #20 il: 2014-04-04 00:41:57 »
Nuova scheda di Heddy:

Heddy Badger (Heddy la tassa)
"Finché non molli non hai ancora perso."

Brawn 6
Quickness 8
Wits 4
Charm 10

Brave, Romantic

From Rolke



Facial Scar

ooo ooo

Healing (1w)
Perfect Senses (1w)
Confuse (1b)

Bow      2 +6 BQ
Hand Axe   2 Thrown
Great Axe   5 +1 BQ in a clash

Gambeson   3 -1
Mail      6 -3
Cone helmet   2 -1
Buckler      3 -1
Parma      4 -2


Heddy è accucciata e tremante per la febbre, all'ombra in quella che sembra essere una piccola caverna, o una tana. È scalza e ha una caviglia gonfia. Si stringe al petto una scure con entrambe le mani, come se fosse un amuleto. Intorno a lei si notano una pila di lunghe ossa, e qualche utensile di uso quotidiano avvolto in un fagotto di stracci. Ci sono tre uomini davanti all'ingresso, uomini armati. Heddy li sente parlare e riconosce solo alcune parole: "ladra", "ucciso", "morta". Ma quello che viene spinto nell'ingresso della tana non è la punta di una lancia, ma una ciotola colma di una zuppa invitante e profumata. Heddy ci tuffa la faccia, il calore le entra nello stomaco e da lì si diffonde in tutto il corpo. Si sente rinata, come se scendesse un velo pietoso su un passato che non vuole più ricordare. Poco dopo la portano via, l'uomo che la prende in braccio è stupito da quanto è leggera. Heddy si guarda intorno, intimidita, curiosa, ma continua a stringere la scure.


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Re:[Circle of Hands] playtest - personaggi
« Risposta #21 il: 2014-04-15 01:01:39 »
Nuova scheda di Astrid:


Brawn      7
Quickness   9
Wits      8
Charm      7


From Famberge, where people fight to live

Martial (high)


Demeanor   12 Fierce – not hostile or angry, but clearly ready for action
Feature      12 Emblem – denotes family, region of birth, or a profession; this is in addition to the Circle emblem ordinarily worn by the player-characters (albero stilizzato)




Shape-shift into small silver dragon once per adventure, +1 to both B and Q [explain how this differs from a real one]

Cat (1w)
Perfect senses (1w)
Vine (2w)
Cloud (1b)
Paralyze (1b)
Trailtwister (2b)

As Outdoorsman, I'm familiar with staff sling, bow, and hand axe; moreover, I'm good with the knife and spear. As a knight, I was trained in mail, cone helmet, buckler, and parma.

Key event: A young woman from a small village, Astrid was caught by warring faction attacking her village, and brought away from her native land. During the voyage she was freed in a fight, and hid herself in the woods, living in small wood communities and learning a way to survive there. One day she was leading astray an armed group, but she was cornered and had to fight her way out; when she was outnumbered and nearly defeated, a group of Circle knight helped her to save her life, and the wood communities.

Cat (p). The target gains nearly perfect balance and coordination, gaining the combat advantage bonus in appropriate conditions and permitting actions usually reserved for professional entertainers.

Perfect Senses (p). The caster’s target person has perfect sensory abilities excluding pain and balance. He or she may see in near-total darkness, hear whispers through walls, smell or taste poison without ingesting enough to be hurt by it, and otherwise sense the barest possible stimulus. The spell permits the target to operate normally in conditions which provide some stimuli, e.g., fighting in darkness.

Vine (p). Existing vegetation twists and grows according to the caster’s will: a wall, a net, or anything else physically possible. The plant may grow to twice its size; it does not become animated.

Paralyze (i). The target person, beast, demon, eidolon, or avatar becomes unable to change position significantly or move coherently enough to attack until he or she pumps at least one point of Brawn to counteract the effect.

Cloud (c). All light sources in the immediate area are extinguished, and all target actions in that area receive a 1d6 reduction, as does attempting to leave the area of effect. Countered by Perfect Senses.

Trailtwister (p): People and beasts in the target area will go anywhere, even backwards, except where they wished to go. Once affected, a person or beast may try a W vs. 12 roll to overcome the effect.
