Nuova scheda di Astrid:
Brawn 7
Quickness 9
Wits 8
Charm 7
From Famberge, where people fight to live
Martial (high)
Demeanor 12 Fierce – not hostile or angry, but clearly ready for action
Feature 12 Emblem – denotes family, region of birth, or a profession; this is in addition to the Circle emblem ordinarily worn by the player-characters (albero stilizzato)
Shape-shift into small silver dragon once per adventure, +1 to both B and Q [explain how this differs from a real one]
Cat (1w)
Perfect senses (1w)
Vine (2w)
Cloud (1b)
Paralyze (1b)
Trailtwister (2b)
As Outdoorsman, I'm familiar with staff sling, bow, and hand axe; moreover, I'm good with the knife and spear. As a knight, I was trained in mail, cone helmet, buckler, and parma.
Key event: A young woman from a small village, Astrid was caught by warring faction attacking her village, and brought away from her native land. During the voyage she was freed in a fight, and hid herself in the woods, living in small wood communities and learning a way to survive there. One day she was leading astray an armed group, but she was cornered and had to fight her way out; when she was outnumbered and nearly defeated, a group of Circle knight helped her to save her life, and the wood communities.
Cat (p). The target gains nearly perfect balance and coordination, gaining the combat advantage bonus in appropriate conditions and permitting actions usually reserved for professional entertainers.
Perfect Senses (p). The caster’s target person has perfect sensory abilities excluding pain and balance. He or she may see in near-total darkness, hear whispers through walls, smell or taste poison without ingesting enough to be hurt by it, and otherwise sense the barest possible stimulus. The spell permits the target to operate normally in conditions which provide some stimuli, e.g., fighting in darkness.
Vine (p). Existing vegetation twists and grows according to the caster’s will: a wall, a net, or anything else physically possible. The plant may grow to twice its size; it does not become animated.
Paralyze (i). The target person, beast, demon, eidolon, or avatar becomes unable to change position significantly or move coherently enough to attack until he or she pumps at least one point of Brawn to counteract the effect.
Cloud (c). All light sources in the immediate area are extinguished, and all target actions in that area receive a 1d6 reduction, as does attempting to leave the area of effect. Countered by Perfect Senses.
Trailtwister (p): People and beasts in the target area will go anywhere, even backwards, except where they wished to go. Once affected, a person or beast may try a W vs. 12 roll to overcome the effect.