Salve a tutti, vorrei fare una campagna con dei pg sopravvissuti ad una apocalisse di zombie. Gente normale in una situazione straordinaria.
Il riferimento sono i film del genere, the walking dead (comic e serie tv) ma anche cose tipo 28 giorni dopo o la serie Survivors (non la vecchia) e non ho intenzione di utilizzare i libretti di Aw.
Per ora ho messo giù soltanto un po'di appunti, li trovate qui di seguito (alcune cose in inglese, altre in italiano).
Mi piacerebbe avere qualche opinioni!
Ci sono 5 statistiche base (hard, cool, sharp, empathy e una che sostituirà "wierd", ho idea dell'utilizzo ma non di un nome per quest'ultima).
Poi ho aggiunto Resolve
Resolve: use it when you need to rely on your inner strength, desperation or will to survive. You don’t assign a value to it, it starts at zero and will have a fluctuant value. You gain it during the game, when you roll an highlighted stat.
You can spend Resolve to benefit of some advantage in a given situation:
● Spend a point to have +1 on a roll (max +3. With +2, your resolve is now +1. With +3, it uses all you resolve).
When your resolve is 5+, reset it to +0 and take an advancement. [I’m thinking to other way to spend resolve points]
When you open violence to an undead, roll+hard. On a 10+ you headshot them, choose 1. On a 7-9, you may choose to headshot them but you have to use more ammo/sacrifice your weapon, otherwise you can choose one (approppriate):
● you look for a better opportunity (take +1forward).
● you don’t let them come near.
● you inflict terrible harm.
● you inflict harm to every target you choose within reach of your weapon.
Analysis: if you get a 10+ it means you successfully kill-kill a zombie. Choosing to inflict harm to every target, means to kill-kill other target within reach. If you choose to inflict terrible harm, you do your best to be a ruthless dead meat killer, and in case of a group/horde you kill-kill/ dismember/mutilate more subject.
When you face an horde and you decide to flee, roll+cool. On a 10+ you are good to go. On a 7-9, choose to leave or stay, but if you leave Mc choose one:
● you leave something/someone behind.
● you don’t go unnoticed.
● you suffer some collateral damage, take 1-harm.
● you are exhausted, and need to take a break or act under pressure.
● you find a different problem on your way.
When an undead reaches you, roll+hard.
On a 10+, somehow you manage to shove him and you can act again right away. On a 7-9, choose one:
● you defend yourself, but you are still in the clinch.
● you can try to force yourself to attack, but you take -1-forward.
• you can free yourself from his hold, but you are overstressed and anything but save yourself it’s act under pressure.
On a miss, he bites you, the Mc make an appropriate hard move or you roll for damage.
When you search for loot, roll+sharp. On a hit, you find the item you were looking for. On a 10+, Mc choose two. On a 7-9, Mc choose one:
● what you find is better than you thought.
● you find it quickly.
● you find it with relatively little trouble.
● there’s some more, but you can’t take it now.
[es. you find the pharmacy you were looking for and search it for antibiotics, roll for the moves, and the Mc will tell you if, how and what you find]
When you suffer emotional or physical harm and you are Down, in a moment of pause say how it feels, roll+.... Mark Resolve.
On a 10+, it just don’t bother you too much. On a 7-9 choose one:
● You keep it to yourself (mc take one against you).
● you might need some help, see When you share your hidden pain
On a miss, say how it makes you feel really bad and the mc makes an appropriate hard move.
Analysis: When the player chooses to "keep it", it's a flag for the mc. And it doesn't mean a hard move, it means to put him in the spotlight, make something happen to him.
When you are Down it means you can't use resolve points or take an advancement or mark resolve.
When you share your hidden pain or your inner self with someone else (feelings, memory, pain) roll+empathy. They take +1 st, they know you better now. On a hit, your sorrow fades and you are not Down anymore. On a 7-9, they hold 1 over you. They can Spend theyr hold to:
● Aid/interfere with you as they had hit 10+.
● Take +1 forward against you.
● Hit 10+ on Seduce/manipulate with you, if they use what they learned about you and it
On a miss, they hold 1 over you. When they try to manipulate/seduce you, it count as they had hit 10+, no matter what as long as they have a legit leverage.
Analysis: they can help you on that roll. But if they get a soft hit, they don't take any hold; and if they get a miss it count as if they had hit 10+ to interfere with you. Or mc make a move. Maybe they were not in the mood to listen to your annoying shit and trouble!
When you live a moment of true beauty, a lap of luxury, an unmistakable sign of humanity or hope, roll+empathy. On a 10+, pick two. On a 7-9, pick one. On a miss, it's just a passing moment and has no significant effect.
● Mark resolve
● Heal 1-harm
● Share it with someone, you both take +1 Hx with eachother. But if you pick an effect too, you choose who of you two benefits from it.
Ogni pg ha un paio di principi, che determinano la loro visione del mondo.
Ad esempio:
La vita è troppo breve. Non sei un codardo, ma non ami prendere rischi inutile. Quando ti trovi a dover affrontare un rischio certo, un pericolo imminente, scegli:
● vai contro il tuo principio, prendi +1-forward.
● segui il tuo principio, segni XP.
Fiducia nell'umanità. Quando incontri delle persone e gli dai fiducia, senza alcuna certezza o contro il giudizio degli altri, segna Xp. Altrimenti prendi +1-ongoing contro di loro.
Analysis: dopo che hai preso la decisione, agire in modo opposto conta come agire sotto pressione.
Ci sono altre cose che vorrei implementare, ad esempio l'idea di umanità/sopravvivenza.
Il concetto che vorrei sviluppare è quello di come gli eventi, le scelte e le condizioni di vita cambino le persone, di quanto questo nuovo mondo li ponga davanti a scelte difficili e come queste potrebbero da un lato aiutarli a sopravvivere, dall'altro fargli perdere un po'di umanità.
Gli zombie quindi rappresentano soltanto
Il contesto.
Buona lettura!