Autore Topic: [AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights  (Letto 2712 volte)

Meguey Baker

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[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« il: 2012-05-31 12:51:02 »
INC 2012 report - 1001 Nights
(To the folks who where there - Hello everyone! First, thank you for your gracious welcome to me as a guest of INC - I had a fantastic time. I am only sorry I could not play even more games, or meet each of you that attended. Next time, find me and say hello!)

This was my first game at INC, and to run it in English with no translator, for mostly people I'd never met (Mario had helped me bake cornbread earlier that morning). At the table to begin were Mario Bolzoni, Alberto Muti, Mattia Bulgarelli and myself. Alberto mentioned a friend was running late, so we started character creation without him. I read the examples of the different senses in Italian, with the patient pronunciation correction and occasional guidance from the other players. This helped get everyone at the table comfortably speaking English together, and put us in a cooperative mood from the start. This also let me see how the other players interacted with each other and with me.

The characters around the table: Mr. Mario chose to play the newest wife of the Sultan, Aziza, as yet unsettled in her role, and a little out of her comfort zone. Alberto played Behman, the visiting scholar of Euclid, who has been set the task of cataloging the Sultan's treasure - he's stuck here until it is complete, and the storehouses are vast. Mattia played the astrologer Kuziamah, a sever man with an eye for nice things - including the young Sultana. I chose to play Melia, the favored musician, secretly in love with the Sultan's bodyguard, the NPC Schraz Daud. Over the course of character creation, many things about all the characters were revealed, such as Melia's childhood far from Court, Kuziamah's alchemical interests and his willingness to be bribed, and Behman's loneliness. As we were in the last stages of character creation, +Fabio Succi Cimentini arrived, and Mattia quickly caught him up to speed as Danash, the dark-skinned hawk master.

I have all of the character sheets, and it is interesting to see the notes players made about the other PCs, whether it is the apparent age of the PC or a key phrase of their description or a word that sums up the attitude of the player's PC towards the other PCs.

To the game itself.

I had each player introduce their character in an audience chamber, before the young Sultana. As the PCs were all of a similar social status, and useful to the higher levels of Court, the Sultan had decreed Aziza should interview them and get to know the staff. It started out with a bang, as Kuziamah unrolled a long tale of the alignment of the stars and the prospects for conceiving a child. With already a hint of unseemly attention on his part to Aziza's sex life. The others followed suit, interrupting Kuziamah, who got to look indignant, and eventually they described plans for a garden to please the new Sultana. This made me think of stories involving gardens and fertility, and so to Rapunzel. But how to find my Story-level characters, and enough to go around? That's the question.

The answer is easy - begin the tale, and move as quickly as is pleasing until there are enough characters on the scene. I told of the devoted husband and wife, unable to conceive, and their willingness to try every answer. Ok, that's two Courtiers, but which ones? I watched the characters and considered my motives in casting them, where I wanted to poke fun, where to say a true thing. I talked of an old woman who directed the lovers to a garden holding a certain fruit. A fruit? Was I going to cast a Courtier as a fruit? And clearly the old woman was a walk-on part, although I could have stopped there if I had only three players, and cast her as the third. But no, I had one more Story-level character to find. So into the garden I take the lovers, under cover of night, by the light of the moon and the inconsistent stars. The players had already declared a couple of interests, so they were beginning to see how the mechanics worked. And then I see my four Story-level roles.

"So, Behman, would you play the devoted wife Rahima? And Danash her loving husband Amid?" These to underscore Behman's longing for a loyal friend and Danash because as Melia I could not think of Kuziamah as a loving husband, and I envied Danash his care for the beautiful and powerful birds, so to make him the care-taker of the woman Rahima was logical. I also wanted to make Kuziamah's declared interest in the lovers quarreling more challenging.

"Noble Sultana, please show us the queen of beasts, the tigress who stalks them" By this I curry favor with Aziza, but also I tell her she can find strength in herself and that she has more power than she realizes.

"Kuziamah. will you play the voice of Allah, who tells true things to all creatures, unlike the wandering stars." Here I slight Kuziamah's astrological skills. Again.

The Story we played out was really, really beautiful, full of danger and devotion. A few moments in particular remain very strong in my mind: Aziza as the tigress realizing her power and offering the lovers a choice between three terrible outcomes; Rahima seizing the opportunity to take matters into her own hands, Amid putting himself between Rahima's blade and the tiger's teeth, and the voice of Allah finding the lovers worthy at last, and finding a way to solve the problem without going back on his word. Everyone brought really great descriptive and evocative phrases to the table, and it was a great story. One thing that makes it roll along really well is when people grasp the need to declare interests in the Story and look for ways to make pointed remarks about the other Courtiers - once that happens, it's all good.

Back at Court, some of us advanced and others were rebuked in private. Then the Sultana Aziza was next to tell a story, as every die Mario had rolled had gone against him in the first story. I found it fascinating how hesitant we other Courtiers were to suggest things that might displease the Sultana in her own Story - lots of good in-character social pressure there! In the story that followed, Mario chose to pass up the first opportunity for four Story-level characters (the three brothers and the little bird) in favor of a more complex combination a bit later on, to better illuminate the things Aziza was interested in seeing. So we had a slightly shortened second story about the poor love-struck boy, the princess, the bird, and the prince, and in the end Melia won her ambition - a return of Schraz Daud's affection!

In our conversation as we were cleaning up for the next group, someone commented that this was such a different game of 1001 Nights from one they had played earlier, which was much more cut-throat and competitive. I was glad to have had such a nice environment in which to play, and time to play a more spacious game. Something I really like is how there are different experiences to be had depending on what you put in - if you have only a short one-shot in a crowded noisy convention hall, it can be excellent fun but quick and brutal, where in a more relaxed setting, the game really opens up into something entirely lovely.

Questions and comments welcome!


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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #1 il: 2012-05-31 13:00:17 »
Copy/paste from G+, for those who aren't there:

I played with Meg at Lucca, and it was quite interesting. It was a beautiful game, we all enjoyed it (I think Gregor Vuga said it was one of the best he played), but the thing that really struck me was when Meg asked me a thing: in the Story level I was a stolen horse, that was being brought through the desert; I could have attacked the thief, tried to escape, but I didn't.
In the court, I was the sultan's son, and Meg was my Koran teacher; all of a sudden, she asked me: Why are you willing to be taken away, why aren't you fighting back?
She was asking that to the prince, using the story to investigate my character; it was so strange I asked her if she was asking that as Meg to Mauro, or as PC to PC (it was PC to PC).
It was the first (and only, as for now) game in which during the story the game returned to Court level, and it was really great, since it made me ask myself why I was playing that why; and I had to find an answer fitting my character and the situation (and I did: my teacher praised me for that!).
I'm waiting second edition for that: I'm looking for playing another game like that, with more Story-Court interweaving.

Here we are during the game:

Edit: By the way: I'm reporting this, here and on G+, to give an AP about why the interweaving Court-story is the part of the game you played at INC I like most; I spoke about it with Mario, and what he said to me really amazed me.
« Ultima modifica: 2012-05-31 13:04:18 da Mauro »

Mr. Mario

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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #2 il: 2012-05-31 13:16:11 »
Copincollo da G+ la mia risposta a Meg e linko il topic con l'actual play di Fabio in italiano, che si riferisce alla stessa partita:,7280.0.html

I most likely should have gone for a shorter introduction of the tale, to get more quickly to the part where I could assign characters. I was taken a bit my surprise by how many questions I got right from the start (Mattia was like a machine ^^), and this surely shortened the tale. Next time I'll be more careful. I hope this wasn't frustrating for my fellow players.

I followed your cue, and took my inspiration from the puss in boots, which I needed to challenge Kuzaimah about his unspoken ambitions, to ask Melia (without really asking her) what she would have done in the princess' shoes, if she would have gone for the safe choice, the one her family made for her, or if she would have risked everything for the love of the newcomer. I also felt that Behman deserved more recognition, and cast him as the voice of wisdom, to hear his advice, and I wondered if Danash would have fought for the princess or for his honor or at all.

I really liked playing Aziza. I wanted a different character than the old bitter astrologer I played the previous time, and was actually a little surprised that the game lent itself so well to exploring the other characters through the tales, because in my previous game, any remark was cutting.

I loved the first tale, and being allowed to contribute so significantly to the tale by playing the tigress. The dice didn't help me much but it was fine, it was quite cool that Aziza had a lot to explore about herself before grasping for her ambition.

I would have loved for the story to go on and see Kuzaimah's schemes at work. :)
Sognatore incorreggibile. Segretario dell'Agenzia degli Incantesimi. Seguace di Taku. L'uomo che sussurrava ai mirtilli.

Moreno Roncucci

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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #3 il: 2012-05-31 17:28:35 »
I played with Meg at Lucca, and it was quite interesting. It was a beautiful game, we all enjoyed it (I think Gregor Vuga said it was one of the best he played),
The best ever, from what he said
This is a picture of the game, Gregor is the one with the beard, I am in the red narrattiva t-shirt and Mauro is the fourth player.
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Mattia Bulgarelli

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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #4 il: 2012-05-31 18:38:55 »
I think the difference between what looks like and what "characters thought" (so to speak) are quite interesting.
For example:

It started out with a bang, as Kuziamah unrolled a long tale of the alignment of the stars and the prospects for conceiving a child. With already a hint of unseemly attention on his part to Aziza's sex life.

If I remember correctly, Aziza's player said something about her not getting pregnant, I thought it was just natural to have Kuzaimah to be in charge of this sort of stuff... Kuzaimah had an interest in Aziza (sexual? love? I wasn't sure how to bend Kuzaimah's mind), but I wasn't thinking about her sex life.

"Kuziamah. will you play the voice of Allah, who tells true things to all creatures, unlike the wandering stars." Here I slight Kuziamah's astrological skills. Again.

Kuzaimah didn't react strongly to this slights at his skills because (I should have been clearer, maybe) I thought him to be a scholar in many fields, not just astrology.
Anyway, I was committed enough to the game to play along with exactly zero problems. ^_^

In our conversation as we were cleaning up for the next group, someone commented that this was such a different game of 1001 Nights from one they had played earlier, which was much more cut-throat and competitive.

That someone was me, probably.

I have to agree that this game was amazing: everyone was POURING lots of good ideas, and we all built on each other's ideas. ^__^
Co-creatore di Dilemma! - Ninja tra i pirati a INC 2010 - Padre del motto "Basta Chiedere™!"

Mr. Mario

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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #5 il: 2012-05-31 19:12:54 »
If I remember correctly, Aziza's player said something about her not getting pregnant, I thought it was just natural to have Kuzaimah to be in charge of this sort of stuff... Kuzaimah had an interest in Aziza (sexual? love? I wasn't sure how to bend Kuzaimah's mind), but I wasn't thinking about her sex life.

It went like this, I think Meg said that Aziza, as the new wife, was shown around the court like a jewel, but to live that life (and not be locked away in ahis harem) she either had to give a child to the Sultan or to truly be interesting to him... and she had no child yet. So Aziza tried her best to find out if there was something truly interesting in herself.
Sognatore incorreggibile. Segretario dell'Agenzia degli Incantesimi. Seguace di Taku. L'uomo che sussurrava ai mirtilli.

Mattia Bulgarelli

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Re:[AP from INC 2012] 1001 Nights
« Risposta #6 il: 2012-05-31 19:19:36 »
I think I'll link this thread around whenever someone tells me "[someone] is not able to build over other people's proposals".

See? Mario created Aziza as "the new sultana". Meguey added this facts above. Then I linked my character's main skill to some usefulness to her, then..., it's so easy I can't make it any SIMPLER!
Co-creatore di Dilemma! - Ninja tra i pirati a INC 2010 - Padre del motto "Basta Chiedere™!"
