Autore Topic: PERSONAS  (Letto 1130 volte)


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« il: 2010-08-26 12:10:45 »
Ho trovato questo sito e trovo l'idea semplicemente geniale.
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Personas shows you how the internet sees you. It is a critique of data mining, revealing the computer's uncanny insights and inadvertent errors. It is meant for the viewer to reflect on our current and future world where digital histories are as important, if not more important, than oral histories, and computational methods of condensing our digital traces are largely opaque and socially ignorant.
Data mining is the practice of using statistics to create meaning from large amounts of data. By itself, data mining can be extremely helpful. It is what enables Google to make the Internet searchable, and it is what enables Netfix to predict the movies it thinks you might like to watch. Its power can also be seen as scary. TSA watch lists and NSA warrantless wiretapping are the product of finding patterns of interest, and much of Wall Street is driven by so-called "quants".

Personas attempts to demonstrate this process.
Upon entering a name, it scours the internet looking for characterizing statements to use in its analysis. After suitable information has been found, the viewer watches as the machine tries to make sense of the displayed text. Once it has reached its final conclusions, the resulting "Personas vector" is displayed and annotated with a minimal legend.
Personas does not reveal where its data comes from, nor does it allow you to weight the imputs. It simulates a data mining, and uncanny insights and inaccuracies are a part of the intended experience, inviting you to freflect on the larger social consequences of an ampirically driven world.

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