Autore Topic: Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009  (Letto 2528 volte)

Moreno Roncucci

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Secondo me esistono solo due premi dati con criterio nel mondo dei gdr, e sono gli Indie Awards e I Diana Jones. Gli indie sono specialistici (possono partecipare, appunto, solo gli Indie) quindi l'unico premio autorevole rimasto è il Diana Jones.

Non sapete cos'è il Diana Jones Award? Diamine, dove vivete? =:-I

Dal sito del premio:

The Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming was founded and first awarded in 2001. It is presented annually to the person, product, company, event or any other thing that has, in the opinion of its mostly anonymous committee of games industry luminaries, best demonstrated the quality of “excellence” in the world of hobby-gaming in the previous year. The winner of the Award receives the Diana Jones trophy.

The short-list and eventual winner are chosen by the Diana Jones Committee, a mostly anonymous group of games-industry alumni and illuminati.

Past winners include Peter Adkison, Jordan Weisman, the role-playing games Nobilis, Sorcerer, and My Life with Master, and the board-game Ticket to Ride. This is the ninth year of the Award.

Allo stesso sito sono stati postati i candidati per il premio finale, cioè i finalisti, che sono (cito dal sito):

Two RPGs, a card-game, a mystery and a Scandinavian collective vie for hobby-gaming's most exclusive trophy

The committee of the Diana Jones Award has released the shortlist for its 2009 award. This year the shortlist contains five nominees that in the opinion of the committee exemplify the very best that hobby-gaming has produced in the last twelve months. In alphabetical order, they are:

Dominion, a card game by Donald X. Vaccarino (published by Rio Grande Games)

Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, a role-playing game by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert, and James Wyatt (published by Wizards of the Coast)

Jeepform, a game-style from Scandinavia (fostered by the Vi åker jeep collective)

Mouse Guard, a role-playing game by Luke Crane (published by Archaia Studios Press)

Sweet Agatha, a mystery game by Kevin Allen Jr (self-published)

The winner of the 2009 Award will be announced on Wednesday 12th August, at the annual Diana Jones Award and Freelancer Party in Indianapolis, the unofficial start of the Gen Con Indy convention.

A parte le "corazzate" Dominion e D&D 4th edition (che non potevano essere ignorate), Mouse Guard arriva all'ennesima finale, accompagnato stavolta anche da Sweet Agatha, e a sorpresa, il Jeepform!!
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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #1 il: 2009-07-30 00:35:07 »
Tra i vincitori delle passate edizioni non elencati nel riassunto ricordo anche Grey Ranks, premiato a parimerito con Wolfgang Baur nell'edizione 2008.


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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #2 il: 2009-07-30 10:35:43 »
Sinceramente ritengo che Dominion meriti di vincere. E' TROPPO divertente!
Con tutto l'apprezzamento che posso avere per Mouse Guard, l'immediatezza di Dominion è vincente.
« Ultima modifica: 2009-07-30 10:36:06 da Suna »

Francesco Berni

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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #3 il: 2009-07-30 10:46:30 »
Io spero in mouse guard è un pò lungo da leggere, ma pagina dopo pagina è sempre più stupendo
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Luca Veluttini

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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #4 il: 2009-07-30 10:50:22 »
[cite]Autore: Fra[/cite][p]Io spero in mouse guard è un pò lungo da leggere, ma pagina dopo pagina è sempre più stupendo[/p]



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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #5 il: 2009-07-30 14:52:31 »
Scusate... mi manca un pezzo, per caso il thread è stato splittato, o sono stati cancellati dei messaggi?


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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #6 il: 2009-07-31 17:55:43 »
Il Jeepform è stato creato negli ultimi 12 mesi, secondo loro?  ^_^;;;;

Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #7 il: 2009-07-31 19:05:54 »
Che senso ha mettere assieme uno stile di gioco con giochi specifici????

Moreno Roncucci

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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #8 il: 2009-08-14 08:00:28 »
Ieri sera sono stati assegnati i premi.  Ha vinto Dominion.  Mah, sono abbastanza deluso, ci ho giocato solo una volta, però non capisco cosa ci sia tanto di speciale...
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Francesco Berni

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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #9 il: 2009-08-14 09:24:25 »
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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #10 il: 2009-08-14 10:14:45 »
Più che meritato, sono felice :)
Moreno: tu hai giocato un 5% del gioco. Abbiamo usato solo le carte più semplici.
Il gioco completo, usando combinazioni più "giocose" è pure meglio.
« Ultima modifica: 2009-08-14 10:15:44 da Suna »

Moreno Roncucci

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Annunciati i finalisti del Diana Jones Award 2009
« Risposta #11 il: 2009-08-19 20:01:10 »
Un po' in ritardo, ma l'ho scoperto solo adesso: nel blog di Matt Forbeck sono stati postate una decina di giorni fa le motivazioni per le nomination:



The Diana Jones Award committee has issued a second press release to clarify and explain its reasons for choosing the five nominees shortlisted for this year’s Award. This is that press release.

The winner of the 2009 Award will be announced on Wednesday 12th August, at the annual Diana Jones Award and Freelancer Party, the unofficial start of the Gen Con Indy convention, at Jillian’s on South Meridian Street in Indianapolis. Only industry professionals may attend this event, which is generously sponsored by: CCP/White Wolf; Gen Con; Ed Healy; Hidden City Games; Mind Storm Labs; Profantasy; Janice Sellers; Stonehouse Miniatures; Super Genius Games; Paul Tevis; and West End Games.

The short-list for the 2009 Diana Jones Award is:

Dominion by Donald X. Vaccarinio, published by Rio Grande Games

Dominion, designed by Donald X. Vaccarinio, infuses the deck-customizing meta-play of collectible card games directly into the game-table experience, elegantly eliminating the highest hurdle to an otherwise compelling genre, making it convenient and accessible to a broader audience. A wide variety of strategies bear fruit, and a wide variety of components bring replayability rarely found in a stand-alone title. As with any strong design, its rules are easy but not simple, but Dominion exceeds even other strong games in the subtle brilliance with which it encourages speedy play and engages all players for its entire length.

4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons by Rob Heinsoo, James Wyatt, Andy Collins, Mike Mearls and Stephen Schubert, published by Wizards of the Coast

4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons advances the art of roleplaying game design while boldly reinventing an industry flagship. Its central innovation, importing the exceptions-based principles first seen in the collectible card game, speeds and clarifies play. Creature statistics achieve a compactness and ease of use rarely seen in crunch-heavy games. The new logic allows for the dispatch of long-standing rules bugaboos in the briefest of paragraphs. Recalibrated math keeps the game stable over disparate levels of play. All said, though, the conceptual repercussions of its technical achievement would mean nothing if the game wasn’t so lovingly attuned to the primal joys of kicking down doors, walloping orcs, and taking their stuff.

Vi åker jeep/‘Jeepform’

Vi åker jeep (‘We go by jeep’) is a Nordic collective that has developed an innovative and increasingly influential style of roleplaying. Taking the best from multiple styles and infusing the result with a clear-eyed and mature sensibility, Jeepform games are often deeply moving, occasionally hilarious, and always compelling. Exploring concepts like character monogamy, transparency, and even what constitutes appropriate subject matter for roleplaying, Jeepform takes the hobby in an exciting and often challenging direction. You can learn more about Vi åker jeep at

Mouse Guard by Luke Crane, published by Archaia Studios Press

Mouse Guard is a beautiful game. From the thought that has gone into its graphic design to the intelligence with which David Petersen’s world of medieval mice is coupled to Luke Crane’s ‘Burning Wheel’ game system, Mouse Guard is a delight to handle, read and play. Moving away from the trend of seeing the games designer as artist or auteur, it draws attention to the importance of craftsmanship and expertise at every level of the game-design process. Licensed properties bolted to existing game-engines are often a recipe for mediocrity, but Mouse Guard is a giant in its field.

Sweet Agatha by Kevin Allen, Jr. (self-published)

Kevin Allen, Jr.’s Sweet Agatha is a brilliant sandbox game disguised as a quest. For two players, it utilizes narrative elements selected by the GM and explained by the player to uncover the fate of the eponymous Agatha—whose life and environs the rulebook documents in evocative photography and elliptical notes. Evading the trap of ‘designer as GM’ so common to narrativist play, it embraces and liberates cooperative storytelling, providing mystery and beauty instead of constraints and programmed story. A first game of Sweet Agatha is a literally unrepeatable experience; a second game is as close as tabletop gaming has come to packaging a dream recalled.


The Diana Jones Award has been described as ‘the Nobel Prize of gaming’. For more information, see the website or contact the committee directly
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