Autore Topic: [Lovecraftesque] [inglese] Carte Speciali con effetto continuato  (Letto 2125 volte)

Daniele Di Rubbo

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  • Daniele Di Rubbo
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Ora che anche Lovecraftesque è tradotto e pubblicato in italiano, può valere la pena di riportare anche qui qualche domanda e risposta sulle regole, fatta e ottenuta dagli autori del gioco, casomai fosse utile a qualcuno.

Citazione da: Io
I have a question about when a player can play a Special Card with an ongoing effect and an activation of the type: “You may play this after a scene that/which/if/where…”

When the card says “after a scene”, does it mean first you have to introduce the “[preparatory]” element in a scene and then to play the Special Card in a different scene? It couldn’t be the same scene, right?

Citazione da: Joshua Fox
[…] The intended meaning of the card is, you introduce something in scene A which could be evidence of the thing in your card, and then immediately after the scene has finished, you play the card, which is then active in all future scenes. There's nothing to stop you playing it later on e.g. slapping it down for dramatic effect in the middle of a later scene just as you narrate something that would otherwise be rule-breaking, but the sooner you play it the bigger effect it can have on the direction of the game.

So ex: Player A is Narrator of a scene in which a group of villagers are weirdly friendly towards the Witness. Player B (a Watcher) waits until the end of the scene and then plays "A Hostile Group", enabling that group to do progressively more aggressive things in future scenes. (Of course, in most cases it will be the same player who plays the card as introduced the triggering material, but not always.)

Tags: Lovecraftesque