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Post - Jason Morningstar

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Segnalazioni e News / [Inglese] Dreamation 2011
« il: 2010-11-03 19:37:33 »
(Ci dispiace, il mio Italiano è schifezza totale)

I just got back from Lucca where I met a bunch of people who hang out on this forum, so hello to you!  While in Italy, I got a lot of questions about how Lucca compares to American conventions, and I always mentioned one of our best - Dreamation, which is also fairly convenient for international travelers, being just outside New York City. So I'm inviting you!

Dreamation takes place February 24 - 27, 2011 at the Morristown Hyatt & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey. From Newark airport, one of the NYC hubs, you can reach the convention by train very simply in less than an hour.

The reason Dreamation is so sexy is that it is oriented toward play - it isn't the place to go to shop at dealer's booths, it is a place to play lots and lots of games. Three a day, usually for me. And they are very kind to indie RPG enthusiasts, so the schedule is stuffed with great games, and many game designers attend and run their own games. The quality is high and the atmosphere is very friendly.

A few folks from Europe have attended in the past - Frederik Jensen, Tobias Wrigstad I can recall - but we need more! If you like these games, can speak conversational English OK and can get yourself to NYC, Dreamation is the place to be. I'm a little selfish, because everybody I played with at Lucca was pretty awesome and I want to play some more.

If you are thinking about coming, please let me know and I can answer questions and probably help with arrangements - introductions, a place to stay, and so forth.

Dreamation's website is pretty awful and doesn't have any useful information right now, but it will add more later, I'm sure:

--Jason Morningstar, Gente Che Gioca n00b

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