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Topics - Kevin

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Hello everyone! It's been ages.

I've just popped by to make an announcement. If you're on Google+, you might have seen it already. In short, I'm giving away Hell for Leather in celebration of an update to the Chronicles of Skin rules.

You can download the Chronicles of Skin update here.
You can download Hell for Leather here.

If you know anyone who owns Chronicles of Skin, maybe you could share this news with them on Google+ or twitter. I think it's important that everyone with the game knows about it, right?

Grazie mile reggazzi. Jesus, I'm shit at Italian.

Segnalazioni e News / Hell for Leather, at the Ennies
« il: 2011-07-16 10:02:01 »

Last year I released that game, Hell for Leather, which did pretty well. It upset a few people, thrilled a few others, and was adopted generously by you guys in the Gente Che Gioca community. I'm shy about my game, because I put too much of myself into it, but lots of you guys were really enthusiastic about the concept, flaws and all. That really helped.

Your generosity and blasphemy made me smile. I always boast about you to people I meet and, funnily enough, my other Italian friends (non gamers) boast about you too. The "may your stories explode with blood and cocks and whores" dedication(s) is a funny story, after all.
Anyway, to cut to the chase,I need your help again.

There's a good chance that Hell for leather can win Best Free Product in the Ennie awards this year. A really good chance. It's a complete game with 90 pages of illustrated text, it's been backed up by ridiculous amounts of playtesting, it has been edited by three different contributors, and it offers gamers something totally new, something very different from the competition. Also, there's only five nominees, so that's at least 4:1 odds, right?
But, basically, the game will lose if it doesn't get support.

Do you think Hell for Leather Free Edition is good enough to win? Do you think it does something different enough and of high enough quality to deserve a vote?
If you'd like to vote for the Ennies, here's the link:

If you think it's appropriate, please forward this on to anyone you know, post it in Buzz or Google+ or (if you can bare the damned thing) even Facebook.

Hey guys. I thought I'd post about this one here. It has lots of blasphemous potential.

Here's the third book for the library, called The Martyrdom of Gaius Flavius (by Daniel Klein).

It's about four Christians going ape-shit in ancient Rome. Here's the blurb:

In an age of religious persecution, four Christians have had enough!

Will you burn the Eternal City to the ground or will you die a martyr’s death? Either way, glory awaits!

The audio commentary is flaky. German and Irish accents!

Help. You guys have been the biggest supporters of my other game and I don't think there's any other community so alive as yours, so I've decided to come here to pitch my idea.

I just wrote Chronicles of Skin for Game Chef 2010. Chronicles of Skin is a 60 minute game of ancient atrocity and propaganda.

"Pictures on leather record the history of an ancient civil war. Tell the stories of the people of that war and write your history through the eyes of the victors."

The more times it gets played during October, the more chance it has to win the competition. So, that's what I'm wondering. Does anyone want to play the game online with me? Or play without me (in Italy) and write an AP report (in Italian/English)? It only takes an hour and you get to draw pictures! (And, maybe just for Tazio, you can draw booooobs!)

General / Hell for Leather Lucca
« il: 2010-09-18 15:33:58 »
Hi Claudia,

I'm about to put an order through with the printers and I need to get my numbers right before I go ahead. The quantity of books going to Lucca will seriously affect the order, so, if you have a spare minute, please could you let me know:

1. How many books/bundles you want.
2. The destination address.
3. How you will process payment.

Kind regards,


Hi guys,

I'd like you to help me write a short supplement for Hell for Leather.

Every month I'll be releasing a 4-8 page PDF with a scenario, some rules commentary and a couple of images. For one of the early months, I'll be writing a zombie supplement (with new rules that tweak how Violence is used during the game). Alessandro and Tazio have already tried out a zombie frame, so I thought this would be a good place to start looking for writers.

What I'm looking for is colour. Specifically, I need one or two writers to work with me to produce a useful, funny and slick PDF.

If you agree to this short (one off) project, I'd be publishing this as a piece by YOU (your name goes on the front cover). I'd provide an introduction to the supplement, you'd kick-off the story (introducing the prologue), provide six sample characters with interwoven Gripes, explain how the Checkpoints would work, and offer some possible endings for the Finale. Your contribution would amount to a maximum of 1200 words. I would then close the PDF with a comment on how the rules could be adapted specifically for this frame.

I can't pay you, and it will probably take you some time, and it may not be a subject that you are interested in. So no worries if you can't do it or don't want to. You can always say "not right now" which would be a good way to tell me to fuck off without hurting my feelings.

If you're interested in contributing, or even if you just have a few ideas for characters and a prologue, comment here, whisper at me or email me directly at sebastian _at_ cobwebgames dot com. I'll be editing the text, doing all the fancy layout and recruiting my brother to paint the flashy artwork.

General / [Hell for Leather] Selling copies at Lucca 2010
« il: 2010-08-11 10:53:00 »
Ciao regazzi,

Sorry about my terrible Italian.

I'm a small press RPG designer from Ireland. I'm looking for someone to take my game to this year's Lucca.

Hell for Leather, has just gone on sale. It's a game of murder, towers of dice, and dark humour. Alessandro Piroddi (a really amazing fellow) and Tazio Betin played it at InterNosCon earlier this year. I think it appeals to Italian gamers. I have nothing to base this on except that lots of the Facebook fans are Italian. I was hoping that I could send over 5 copies of the game (with a HUGE discount), and that someone could sell them at a stall there.

They would be signed and shipped with the shiny hardback Target. Would anyone like to help?



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