
Gente Che Gioca => Segnalazioni e News => Topic aperto da: Alessandro Piroddi (Hasimir) - 2014-08-01 16:25:35

Titolo: Dreamwake WD #01 - Luscious, mistress of the deep
Inserito da: Alessandro Piroddi (Hasimir) - 2014-08-01 16:25:35
This is the final version of *Luscious*, by Iolanda Zanfardino.

My #Patreons have exclusive access to the same image at high resolution, both in jpg and bmp format (and others if they need).

The same image (in low-res card-sized format) will soon be freely available as a #Dreamwake World Deck card on my #UnPlayableGames website.

Here is the text of the card, as a preview for all my #Patreon followers :)
