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Comunque cavoli DDR, la ragazza senza braccia che striscia per terra è davvero inquietante O_O
Uppo perchè se ne è parlato nel pbf in corsoCopio-incollo dalla versione inglese che ho io (aggiornata al 30/11/2011):Player Book pagina 4CitazioneDraw the card from the top of the deck, face up, and add it to your hand:Aces add 1.Number cards 2-10 add their value.All face cards add 11.It’s the sum of your hand that matters:The best possible thing is a sum 13-20.The middling thing is a sum 6-12.The worst possible thing is a bust: a sum 1–5 or a sum 21 or higher.When you bust, discard your entire hand.
Draw the card from the top of the deck, face up, and add it to your hand:Aces add 1.Number cards 2-10 add their value.All face cards add 11.It’s the sum of your hand that matters:The best possible thing is a sum 13-20.The middling thing is a sum 6-12.The worst possible thing is a bust: a sum 1–5 or a sum 21 or higher.When you bust, discard your entire hand.