Autore Topic: Intervista a Jake Richmond (Atarashi Games)  (Letto 2151 volte)


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Intervista a Jake Richmond (Atarashi Games)
« il: 2011-06-24 12:02:44 »
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Ho trovato particolarmente interessante un passo sul vendere alle convention di comix (tendenzialmente manga ovviamente) che purtroppo tende a confermare l' esistenza di certi pregiudizi da parte di alcuni (non certo tutti) ha giocato solo giochi simil D&D.

Selling at Anime Conventions
Jake has sold and demoed Cel*Style games at a number of anime conventions now, mainly in the Portland area. At SakuraCon he found the attendees to be very enthusiastic, but there are a lot of people who just don’t get what a tabletop RPG is in the first place. Jake and company had had to work on their strategies for conveying what they’re doing without falling back on cliches. With the new Atarashi Games titles, even people who already play RPGs would assume they were some kind of strategy guides or some such, and people inexperienced with them would often assume Jake was offering some kind of video game. Actual demos always got people to very quickly understand what they were about, but it was still hard to get people to make a connection between the books and RPGs.

Once they got through the confusion about what their products actually were, there were a lot of really enthusiastic people. On the other hand, there was a certain phenomenon that Jake and company found several times with a variety of games. Someone (usually but not always a girl) would take an interest in a game, and come back to the booth with someone else (usually but not always a boyfriend) who already plays RPGs, saying, “You’ve been trying to get me to try RPGs, so why don’t we try this one?” The boyfriend (or gaming group) would totally (and in some cases very rudely) shoot them down, and only once were the Cel*Style guys able to overcome those objections.
Simone Lombardo

Moreno Roncucci

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Re:Intervista a Jake Richmond (Atarashi Games)
« Risposta #1 il: 2011-06-24 17:59:35 »
Ho trovato particolarmente interessante un passo sul vendere alle convention di comix (tendenzialmente manga ovviamente) che purtroppo tende a confermare l' esistenza di certi pregiudizi da parte di alcuni (non certo tutti) ha giocato solo giochi simil D&D.

[...]On the other hand, there was a certain phenomenon that Jake and company found several times with a variety of games. Someone (usually but not always a girl) would take an interest in a game, and come back to the booth with someone else (usually but not always a boyfriend) who already plays RPGs, saying, “You’ve been trying to get me to try RPGs, so why don’t we try this one?” The boyfriend (or gaming group) would totally (and in some cases very rudely) shoot them down, and only once were the Cel*Style guys able to overcome those objections.

Eh, certi "bravi giocatori" che devono insegnare "il vero gdr"...   ::)
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Re:Intervista a Jake Richmond (Atarashi Games)
« Risposta #2 il: 2011-06-24 21:12:28 »
Il passo è interessante anche perchè parla di diffondere il gioco ad un target non certo tradizionale.

Un target diverso da quello dei giocatori "anziani" ma diverso anche da quello dei ragazzini possibili giocatori (sì lurko tutto io grazie ai super feed rss anche la tana :) ).

In questo periodo sto "elaborando una mia riflessione" (che espressione pomposa e supponente....ora non mi viene in mente un il freudiano Domon potrebbe ricavare da ciò molte informazioni :) ) che ovviamente non condividerò adesso perchè è in fase embrionale e perchè mi fa fatica scrivere.

Ma intanto ci penso.
Simone Lombardo
