Autore Topic: E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..  (Letto 2862 volte)

E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« il: 2010-12-20 21:33:00 »

Per i designer interessati una sfida a scrivere giochi adatti ad un giocatore solo. Finestra temporale aperta per l'invio dei pezzi dal 1.1.11 al 11.1.11.
Anche un maiale si arrampica su un albero se viene adulato.

Emanuele Borio

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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #1 il: 2010-12-20 21:41:42 »
E meno male che il gioco di ruolo è un'attività sociale O_o
Ciao, sono Meme! - Fanmail 64 - DN=2 - Ingegnere delle Scienze Agrarie, Contadino, Nerd di Professione.

E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #2 il: 2010-12-20 21:58:58 »
credo sia prima ludica che sociale... cmq nelle parole della promotrice:

[cite]Autore: E.C.Boss[/cite][p]The theme is to create one-person role playing games. That is, one-player games with no GM. It can be done! How to Host a Dungeon is a lovely example. It is standard in war games and card games (of course) to write games that one person can play. The challenge presented by role playing games is unique, because of how integral the social interaction is to them. (Frex, how awkward it can be when two characters you play have to interact.) But telling stories, and creating worlds, exploring characters and having emotional experiences are all things we can do on our own. The types of games that could support this kind of play range from war game-esque simulations to Once-Upon-A-Time or tarot based story wanderings, to amazing embodied, live-form games where you play a role that perhaps only you witness. There is a lot of room to experiment here, so now's the time!

This will be a fun, low-pressure event, with an emphasis on helping each other design, and giving interesting feedback about the games written. There will be specific challenges established by Judges to give some creative constraints. The Challenges will be announced on January 1, when the contest opens.

There will be prizes awarded: Judges will post about their favorite games from the contest during February![/p]
Anche un maiale si arrampica su un albero se viene adulato.


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #3 il: 2010-12-21 07:44:38 »
D'altronde, se c'è riuscito Beniamino Sidoti con il suo Groucho Marx contro Frankenstein, la Mummia e il Vampiro sulla nave pirata in mezzo alla tempesta non vedo perché non ci si possa riuscire.

(Però è sempre Beniamino Sidoti...)
I've got crunch for breakfast! - Screaming Cats, Games That Make You Scream


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #4 il: 2010-12-21 08:03:03 »
[cite]Autore: Claudio[/cite][p]credo sia prima ludica che sociale...

io credo sia prima di tutto sociale. e che in solitaria non funzionino... perchè non vedo alcun modo di schivare il principio di czege. ma se qualcuno riuscisse ad inventarsi un algortimo abbastanza potente da simulare la seconda creatività, allora tanto di cappello...

[cite]Autore: LucaRicci[/cite][p]D'altronde, se c'è riuscito Beniamino Sidoti con il suoGroucho Marx contro Frankenstein, la Mummia e il Vampiro sulla nave pirata in mezzo alla tempestanon vedo perché non ci si possa riuscire.[/p][p](Però è sempre Beniamino Sidoti...)[/p]

ah, dici che basta un librogame per fregare il contest? allora rilancio con quelli di lupo solitario... ;/


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #5 il: 2010-12-21 08:54:17 »
L'esempio portato da Emily è How to Host a Dungeon di Tony Dowler. Io, che ci ho giocato più volte e lo apprezzo moltissimo, non ho mai avuto in effetti l'abitudine di considerarlo "un gioco di ruolo"... ma la terminologia è alquanto relativa: basta intendersi. Una definizione "universale" di "gioco di ruolo", notevole per aver trovato successo al di fuori della cerchia immediata in cui è stata elaborata, non mi pare l'abbia formulata ancora nessuno (o, come rimarca a volte Moreno, "gioco di ruolo" è una legacy word).


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #6 il: 2010-12-21 09:43:38 »
[cite]Autore: Rafu[/cite]ma la terminologia è alquanto relativa: basta intendersi.

Infatti basterebbe seguire le regole del contest per starci dentro. Aspetto trepidante lsfide.
I've got crunch for breakfast! - Screaming Cats, Games That Make You Scream

Michael Tangherlini

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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #7 il: 2010-12-21 10:06:48 »
Quasi quasi...

My body is a cage / My mind holds the key (Peter Gabriel - My body is a cage)

E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #8 il: 2011-01-02 06:18:17 »
ecco le categorie (di cui "migliorare i librigame" è solo l'inizio!):

Judge Evan's Challenges:
Build a Better Choose-Your-Own-Adventure
"You wake up in a room surrounded by toad people. One of them offers you a ring. If you take the ring, go to page 34. If you refuse it - hoo boy - go to page 6."

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure (CYOA) stories are books told in the second-person with forking, linear narratives. Each page describes a situation and at least two ways for the player-reader to respond to it. By directing them to other pages through their choices, the book serves as a basic GM or computer program to moderate the decisions of an active reader. Since their heyday in the 1980s, the choose-your-own-adventure genre has been gradually replaced with the text-based computer adventure and/or modified with dice rolls (i.e. the Narnia CYOA books) and eBook technology (i.e. with hyperlinks). But is there a way to take back the genre on its own terms?

The objective of this Challenge is quite simple: design a solitaire RPG that either incorporates or expands upon the mechanics and tropes that make CYOA novels great. The game may be a proposal for such a game, or even a short game itself. For the Category Favorite, entries will be judged on the clarity and originality of their content and mechanics.

The Stuff in Your Domicile
Despite austerity measures and the digital revolution, we still seem to have a lot of objects in our homes. This challenge focuses on the development of a solitaire RPG using these objects as a source of inspiration. Though the game mechanics can be drawn from sources outside your home, the game itself must significantly include the finite set of items a hypothetical player would have around. Games might involve action figures, kitchen appliances, media or something else entirely. Please keep safety in mind, of course! For the Category Favorite, entries will be evaluated on their originality, feasibility and flexibility.

Judge Emily's Challenges:
Pencil and Paper
Simple pencil & paper games such as tic tac toe and hang-man are classics that have passed from generation to generation, shared by word of mouth. Let's see if we can make some solo rpgs that can do the same. With little or no preparation, no game text needed to remember the rules, and no special objects (e.g. dice, character sheets, etc.). Just a simple piece (or pad) of paper and a pen or pencil and you can conjure up what is needed. No limitations on what kind of paper or writing implements, but the idea is to make it easy to play at any time. For the Category Favorite, I'll be looking for accessibility, elegance and easy ways to remember the rules.

Living in the Future (aka not science fiction but technology fact)
Computers transform rp. Google, wikis, flash, java, apps: the list goes on of the the information available to players and the platforms they can use to explore a world or create a story alone. Recorded audio, videos, and text of course are all on the table. The key is to create a structure or to describe the elements that exist already, that will help someone have an rp experience. Whether that is story oriented, emotional immersive, or character or world intensive is up to you. Due to the special nature of this challenge, additional files may be submitted, in addition to the plain text write up. But having an app or program completed is not necessary for the Challenge. A complete write up of how it would work, and perhaps screen shots or charts describing the use of the media may be essential.

For the Category Favorite, I'll be looking for use of the strengths of the media, extending what you can normally do in an rp, and catchiness--does this seem like something I'd do every day at lunch?

Judge Robert's Challenges:
Unlonely Your Fun
Tony Dowler's How to Host a Dungeon opened the door to designing games built around "lonely fun" — the stuff you used to do to prepare for games with friends. The Unlonely Your Fun challenge asks you to take this a step further. Design a game around the fun things you can do with RPGs by yourself, but make it so that this material touches on the experiences of others playing the game. Maybe you synch up every now and then, maybe your actions have an effect on others that's light, maybe a serial modular design that can be played by one person, then another, then another for different phases of the game. Important to this challenge is that you not violate the solitaire aspect of this contest, despite the interlocking elements. For the Category Favorite, I'll be looking for something that lets you set your own level of involvement with other players, and will be just as fun regardless of how lonely you want to keep it.

ARG! RPGS! (Or, the Andy Kaufman Challenge)
Design a game which produces a product of play in the voice of the character or characters being played. This could be blog posts, Facebook entries, journal entries, music, whatever. Ideally, the products of play will tell a story anyone can appreciate. For the Category Favorite, I'll be looking for people who successfully teach people creative skills they don't already possess.

Judge Epidiah's Challenges:
The Scheherazade Challenge
The best part of D&D when you're 12 years old in the 80s is sitting in your room, leafing through rulebook and dreaming about the impossibly long campaigns you're going to run for your players. The other players, of course, being the only thing standing between you and such glory. Now that we've once and for all eliminated those pesky nuisances, it's time to get to work on that saga.

Your mission: to design a game in which the story grows with each session and the player finds him- or herself deliciously compelled to return session after session to see where it'll go next. For the Category Favorite, I'm looking for a game that not only draws me back in repeatedly, but promises more each time it does.

The Sharing Challenge
You're an audience of one, but sometimes that's simply not enough. Games qualifying for the Sharing Award must produce something--be it fiction, poetry, cartography, what have you--that can be shared with a wider audience without comment on it's origin as product of a game. For the Category Favorite, I'm looking for a game that produces something beautiful, especially if it isn't the primary goal of the game.
« Ultima modifica: 2011-01-02 06:20:55 da Claudio »
Anche un maiale si arrampica su un albero se viene adulato.


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #9 il: 2011-01-25 09:50:47 »
Il thread si è concluso l'11 gennaio, alle 11pm. I giochi arrivati sono 30, ben più di quello che s'aspettavano (e alla faccia del fatto che non si possa fare un gdr in solitario, devo dire).

Qui ( potete trovare i giochi entrati nel contest, la maggior parte è visualizzabile dal sito.
« Ultima modifica: 2011-01-25 09:52:34 da LucaRicci »
I've got crunch for breakfast! - Screaming Cats, Games That Make You Scream


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E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #10 il: 2011-01-25 15:05:37 »
[cite]Autore: LucaRicci[/cite](e alla faccia del fatto che non si possa fare un gdr in solitario, devo dire).

resto scetticissimo

E.C.Boss lancia una sfida per GdR solitari..
« Risposta #11 il: 2011-01-25 17:28:29 »
Alcuni non mi convincono molto altri mi ricordano i libri game.
