Play by Forum > (Mouse Guard) PbF 3
[Mouse Guard] PbF 3 - Schede dei personaggi
Kyle (Guard Mouse) - pg di Fabrizio
Concept: un topolino sveglio
Guard Rank: Guardmouse, Age: 19; Will: 3 Health 5
Mouse Nature:
Save for winter? No +0
Stand your ground? Yes +0
Fear owls, etc? Yes (can't take Fearless) +1
= 4
Where were you born: Barkstone (Carpenter; Steady Paw)
Pick an area in which you're natStarting rewards: Fate 1; Persona 1urally talented: Pathfinder
What was your parent trade?: Carpenter
How do you convince people?: Persuader
With whom did you apprentice for the guard? Cadwin the Smith
What did your mentor stress in training? Scout
What kind of experience do you have in the guard?: Fighter 2; Healer 1; Hunter 1; Survivalist 2
What's your Speciality?: Weather watcher
Tally: Carpenter 3; Pathfinder 2; Persuader 2; Smith 2; Scout 2; Fighter 3; Healer 2; Hunter 2; Survivalist 3; Weater Watcher 2
What are you particularly knowledgeable about? Forest-wise (2); Herb-wise (2)
Guard Resources:
Trade in Winter? Yes (Carpentry) +1
Parents? no
Like to buy? no
Thrifty? no
Debt? no
Pack Carefully? Yes +1 (no fiery/bold)
= 4
Guard Circles:
gregarious? no
strong ties to the guards? no
Accomplished great task? no
Powerful enemies? no
convicted of a crime? No
Cool and tough? no
Choose a quality you were born with: Short
Fur color: Rosso
Parents: Joseff & Rona
Senior artisan: Trevor
Mentor: Baron the Hunter (Lockhaven)
Friend: Havoc the Potter (Elmoss)
Enemy: Dwayne the Brewer
Cloak color: Blu
Belief: Una guardia non scappa di fronte al pericolo
Goal: -
Instinct: Arriccia il naso quando si trova sotto pressione o in caso di pericolo
Gear: erbe medicinali, spada, arco e faretra (20 frecce)
Starting rewards: Fate 1; Persona 1
Fenris (Patrol Leader) - pg di Carlo
Age: 41
Will 5
Health 4
Nature 4 (no save for winter, stand your ground, fear owls, weasels and wolves)
Born in Lockhaven: Armorer *, Generous
Naturally talented: Militarist *
Parents' trade : Armorer **
How do you convince people?: Orator *, Persuader *
With whom did you apprentice for the Guard?: Armorer ***
What did your mentor stress in training?: Fighter *, Instructor *
What kind of experience do you have in the Guard?: Fighter ****, Healer **, Survivalist *, Scout *, Persuader ***
What's Your Specialty?: Healer ***
Tally: Armorer 4, Fighter 5, Healer 4, Instructor 2, Militarist 2, Orator 2, Persuader 4, Survivalist 2, Scout 2.
What are you particularly knowledgeable about?: Strategy-wise 2, Veterans-wise 2, Weasel-wise 2, Wounds-wise 2.
Guard Resources: 5 (still practice a trade, buy gift, pack carefully)
Guard Circles: 5 (strong ties to the Guard, reputation)
Choose a quality you were born with: Leader
Life on the Road: Scarred
Fur Color: Gray
Parents: Donegal & Morgause (both deceased). I have a wife, Freya, and six "kids".
Senior Artisan: my father, the armorer
Mentor: Captain Henson (deceased)
Friend: Garrow, the oldfur
Enemy: Fergus, the patrol leader (we blame each other for the death of Captain Henson)
Cloak Color: Brown
Belief: L'eroismo non è una giustificazione per la stupidità.
Instinct: chiede sempre l'opinione dei suoi soldati, prima di dire la sua.
Gear: My father's Claymore (sword), Leather armor with plates (light armor), My mother's medallion.
Raven (Patrol Guard) - pg di Arioch
Fail: Pathfinder; Survivalist; Circles
Concept: un veterano dall'animo nobile
, Age: 45; Will: 4 Health 4
Mouse Nature: Save for winter? Yes (can't take bold/generous) +1; Stand your ground? Yes +0; Fear owls, etc? Yes (can't take Fearless) +1= 5
Where were you born: Port Sumac (Boatcrafter; Tough)
Pick an area in which you're naturally talented: Boatcrafter
What was your parent trade?: Cartographer
How do you convince people?: Orator
With whom did you apprentice for the guard? Connor the Cartographer
What did your mentor stress in training? Survivalist
What kind of experience do you have in the guard?: Cook 1; Fighter 3; Pathfinder 2; Survivalist 2
What's your Speciality?: Fighter
Tally: Boatcrafter 3; Cartographer 3; Orator 2; Survivalist 4; Cook 2; Fighter 5; Pathfinder 3
What are you particularly knowledgeable about? Coast-Wise (3); Seagull-Wise (2)
Guard Resources: Trade in Winter? no; Parents? no; Like to buy? no Thrifty? Yes +1 (no generous); Debt? no; Pack Carefully? Yes +1 (no fiery/bold) = 5
Guard Circles: gregarious? no strong ties to the guards? yes (tradizione per i maschi della famiglia servire la guardia) +1 (mentore = zio); Accomplished great task? yes +1; Powerful enemies? yes (brother = Guard Captain) -1; convicted of a crime? No; Cool and tough? Yes (no extrovert) -1 = 3
Choose a quality you were born with: Guard's Honor
Life on the Road: Tough
Name: Raven
Fur color: Black
Parents: Devon & Hazel
Mentor: Aldrich the Bold (Lockhaven)
Friend: Julya the Innkeeper (Darkwater)
Enemy: Scott the Guard Captain (brother)
Cloak color: Verde
Belief: La parola di una Guardia è un vincolo indissolubile
Goal: -
Instinct: Promettere sempre di aiutare chi è in difficoltà
Gear: Spada (fioretto); carta; penna e inchiostro
Starting rewards: Fate 1; Persona 1
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