Con riferimento a
questa versione; stavolta sono dubbi su cosa vuole dire il testo, quindi spero piú facilmente risolvibili a livello teorico
- Surprise is not part of the Bringing Down the Pain system. Instead, it takes place before-hand.
If a character acts against another, and the latter has no cluewhat’s going on, the player will not be able to make an ability check to resist. This still counts as a resisted ability check, and the player can announce that he’d like to Bring Down the Pain.
As stated before, the winner at the check that initiated Bringing Down the Pain gets bonus dice to her first action equal to the difference between her and her opponent’s success levels[/i] (pagina 22): non ho chiaro a quale differenza si stia riferendo... prima dice che se un personaggio è colto di sorpresa
will not be able to make an ability check to resist, ma che questo
still counts as a resisted ability check, e che la differenza tra i livelli di successo diventa il vantaggio; pone il vantaggio direttamente al livello di successo dell'avversario (non hai potuto resistere, livello di successo zero), o cosa?
- She makes a resisted ability check of Sneak versus Gael’s Sense Danger and rolls a -1 versus his 0, for a total of SL 2 versus SL 2. “Screw that,” she says, and spends a point of Instinct to roll a bonus die. Matt has the same opportunity, but wants to conserve his Instinct pool, since it’s low. She ends up with a roll of 0, for a total of SL 3 – a Great success!
Up until this point, the action has been taken care of by a simple ability check. According to the check, Emily wins, and Tela will sneak up on Gael, giving Emily three bonus dice to perform an action that uses that advantage[/i] (pagina 23): perché tre? Livello tre meno livello due dovrebbe essere uno solo, no?
- “If I throw some rocks to make noise ahead of Gael, can I count them as a weapon, +1 harm to deceive him about my location?” [pagina 23]
When using a weapon, if your character is successful in an action, you can add the weapon’s rating to your success level.
[pagina 25]
Weapons and armor can occur in the game in two ways. The Story Guide can declare any item in the game to give +1 harm or protection in a particular situation [pagina 26][/i]: le armi aggiungono al livello di successo, al danno, o a scelta?
Your character has someone she is sworn to, a friend who is more important than anyone else. Gain 1 XP every time this character is present in a scene with your character (maximum 3 per adventure). Gain 2 XP whenever your character has to make a decision that is influenced by them. Gain 5 XP every time your character defends them by putting herself at risk. Buyoff: Sever the relationship with this person. [pagina 31]
Key of the Guardian
Your character has a ward, someone who depends on her for security and protection. Gain 1 XP every time this character is present in a scene with your character. Gain 2 XP whenever your character has to make a decision that is influenced by them. Gain 5 XP every time your character rescues them from harm. Buyoff: Sever the relationship with this person [pagina 32][/i]: qui non ho chiaro (1) cosa intenda per avventura (per sessione, termine che usa altrove? per campagna?), e (2) se l'assenza di tale limitazione nell'altra
key sia una svista di questa versione del manuale, visto che le due sono praticamente uguali (anzi, la seconda è meno pesante, perché per i cinque punti non richiede che il personaggio si metta a rischio).