Autore Topic: Lost con Mouse Guard  (Letto 1253 volte)

Lost con Mouse Guard
« il: 2010-02-28 22:10:27 »
Uno degli hack più coraggiosi che girano(Giravano) sul sito di burning wheel.

Premise: You survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, Sydney to LA, and are now stranded on a mysterious island. Despite your past (mis)deeds, you have banded together with a group of like-minded survivors, all with secrets of their own, to find rescue, protect the group, stay alive, and solve the mysteries of this strange place.

Missions: setting up shelters, managing the community, hunting for food, exploring and mapping the island, defending from smoke monster and polar bears, solve island mysteries, defend against the Others, time travel, and much more.

General Hazards: Wilderness, Survivors, Other Island Inhabitants (The Others, Rousseau, Widmore's mercenaries), and Island Mysteries (smoke monster, polar bears, Dharma stations, Jacob's house, etc.). Eight Island Mystery twists occur before time of reflection (same as winter session).

Weapons/Items: knives, explosives, guns (especially after discovering the first hatch), and makeshift weapons.

Overarching Conflict: Surviving and getting off the island, solving island mysteries

Territories: various notable places on the island, all of the dharma stations, the main beach, the cave, wherever the Others happen to be. Developed as the island is explored through twists and intention.

Denizens: The main characters from the show take a back seat, acting as NPCs that will assign quests as well as influence, help, or make problems for you. Jack, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Charlie, Claire, Sun and Jin, Michael and his boy Walt, Boone, Shannon, Rose and Bernard, Frogurt, Scott and Steve, etc. The tailies Ana Lucia, Mr. Eko, and Libby, and then Miles, Charlotte, and Faraday would arrive several seasons in on the Freighter. The Others Richard, Ben, Juliet, Tom, Alex, Ethan, Mikhail, Goodwin, etc. Also Danielle Rousseau, Desmond, and Jacob.

Manipulation - getting what you want through selfishness, deceit, and using others.
Savagery - killing for good or evil, fighting viciously.
Vengeance - eye for an eye, lack of forgiveness.
Zealotry - blind faith, unquestioning of motives or reason.
A high nature brings you closer to becoming one of the Others, or "the good guys," as they call themselves. Ending the session with a Nature rating of 7 means you have defected to the side of the Others, embracing your nature on this island. A low nature keeps you connected to your past life before the island, you are more concerned with getting rescued or escaping the island. Tapping your nature down to 0 (while still retaining a Max nature of 1 or higher) means you have had a mental breakdown and you attempt some sort of escape from the island, whether it be building a boat, putting together a large SOS sign on the beach, or looking for some sort of radio. You also receive a trait appropriate to the test that taxed your character to 0. If your Max nature drops to 0, you get eaten by the smoke monster.

Skills: Administrator, Animal Handler (replaces Insectrist), Archivist, Armorer, Artist (replaces Potter), Boatcrafter, Brewer, Carpenter, Cartographer, Cook (Baker/Cook), Deceiver, Doctor (replaces Healer), Engineer(replaces Glazier), Fighter, Gardener(replaces Harvester), Haggler, Hunter, Instructor, Gatherer (replaces Laborer and Nature Mouse Foraging), Mason (Smith/Stonemason), Militarist, Miller, Orator, Persuader, Scientist, Scout, Survivalist, Tracking (replaces Pathfinder), Trivia Master (replaces Loremouse), Weather Watcher, Weaver. Remove: Apiarist.

Remove: Defender, Guard's Honor, Longtail, Nocturnal, Oldfur, Sharptooth
Grunt replaces Bigpaw.
Steady Hands replaces Steady Paws
Man of Science: You believe in rational explanation and randomness.
Man of Faith: You believe in a higher purpose and a higher power.
Packrat: You've got a hoard. You may have obtained it through looting those who died in the crash or simply collected it little by little.
Grizzled: Your leathery skin and rough beard give you the look of a man who's been around and not to be messed with.
Social-minded: View of morality that tends to favor the well-being of the group over the individual, including oneself.
Charismatic: physical attractiveness, having a macro-managerial style, approachability, normally easy-going nature.
Addicted: Alcohol, drugs, pills, etc.
Perceptive replaces Deep Ear and Wolf's Snout: You have a better sense of smell, taste, touch, etc., making you better at hearing shouts and sounds from afar, but this also makes you more prone to loud noises, bad smells, or even your sense of pain.

Professions and abilities:
(during recruitment, you'll choose a profession from one of the tiers and then pick one skill and one trait from the profession you choose)

Tier 1: 2 will 6 health - Military, Law Enforcement, Working Stiff
Tier 2: 3 will 5 health - Crime, Food Services, Art
Tier 3: 4 will 4 health - Education, Business, Law
Tier 4: 5 will 3 health - Science, Medicine, Religion

Painter, musician, dancer, actor, cameraman, tv news reporter, writer, or journalist.
Skills: archivist, artist, orator
Traits: graceful, lost, addicted

Business owners, bigwig tycoons, or middle-management
Skills: administrator, orator, haggler
Traits: determined, suspicious, leader

Con artist, druglord/warlord, criminal, henchman, bank robber, fugitive, mafia, thief, or drug dealer
Skills: deceiver, scout, fighter
Traits: alert, cunning, independent

Elementary, high school, college teacher, or advisor
Skills: archivist, instructor, trivia master
Traits: compassionate, extrovert, inquisitive
Food Services
Waiter, food sales, chef, or pizza delivery
Skills: brewer, cook, gardener, miller
Traits: fat, fearful, innocent

Law Enforcement
Police, undercover agent, prison warden, detective, sheriff, or US Marshal
Skills: scout, persuader, hunter, fighter
Traits: brave, scarred, stoic

Lawyer, paralegal, research assistant, or judge
Skills: administrator, deceiver, orator
Traits: clever, stubborn, skeptical

Medicine and Psychology
Surgeon, dentist, therapist, psychiatrist, undertaker, or nurse
Skills: persuader, instructor, doctor
Traits: man of science, driven, steady hands

Navy, marines, torturer, or mercenary
Skills: fighter, militarist, tracker, survivalist
Traits: bold, fearless, sharp-eyed

Priest, miracle healer, psychic, monk, or paranormal investigator
Skills: weather watcher, orator, doctor, administrator
Traits: man of faith, generous, fiery

Astrophysicist, mathematician, technologist, physicist, or cultural anthropologist
Skills: weather watcher, scientist, animal handler, engineer
Traits: man of science, rational, thoughtful

Working Stiff
Construction worker, carpenter, fisherman, handyman, or retail
Skills: weaver, mason, carpenter, gatherer
Traits: grunt, bitter, hard worker

Player's Turn: Player's may spend their checks to have a flashback, such as spending a check to outrun the cops or perform a surgery, whatever it is they specialized in before the crash. They can also be used to get rid of conditions (and would certainly help in winning some good rewards at the end of the session). All players start with 2 free checks, one to use for conditions on-island only and one to use for a flashback only. Anything else must use checks gained during the GM's turn.

Secrets: Secrets are a big part of the Lost series. Your character should have plenty of secrets and reveal them bit by bit during the session. A good time to reveal a secret is with your free flashback check during the player's turn. To come up with some good secrets for your character, consider how he came to be in Autralia, how he learned the skills outside of his profession, how he came in possession of his Gear; if your character ever killed another or comitted a crime, try to think of events that led up to that climax. You will be rewarded for revealing one of your many secrets in an entertaining way with a fate point reward at the end of a session.

Fabio Succi Cimentini

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Lost con Mouse Guard
« Risposta #1 il: 2010-02-28 22:55:26 »
Uhm, più che altro mi impensierisce parecchio la sfilza di PNG che ne risulterebbe. A questo punto perchè non eliminarli del tutto costruendo una versione totalmente alternativa della serie?
nel dungeon nessuno può sentirti belare  |  emo gamer, sense of wonder gamer, pucci-un-cazzo gamer, vive la varieté.

Lost con Mouse Guard
« Risposta #2 il: 2010-02-28 23:26:37 »
Ma in effetti così sarebbe.
Potrebbe anche starci vista l'interpretazione di Lost di "Mondi Paralleli", dove quello giocato è uno di questi. L'aereo è crollato, e...
E al limite si giocherebbe senza i denizens iniziali ma con degli altri PNG.

In ogni caso, ci sarebbero regole alternative anche riguardo le Stagioni e i Check del turno del Giocatore.

Niente più Primavera, Estate, Autunno, Inverno, soppiantate da Premiere, Mid-Season e Finale.
Wilderness(che ingloba anche Weather) Encounters -> Premiere 6, Mid-Season 5, Finale 7.
Inoltre verrebbero inclusi i Misteri dell'Isola nella lista dei quattro Hazards(Wilderness, Mysteries, Island Inhabitants, Survivor)
Da inserire -> Premiere 3 Misteri, Mid-Season 4, Finale 2.
