Autore Topic: [Mouse Guard] Schede  (Letto 7361 volte)


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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« il: 2009-11-26 10:09:38 »
A breve qui reinserisco le schede della pattuglia. L'unica che non avevo ancora segnato era quella di Osillion :-/
Se intanto avete la vostra scheda e vi va di ripostarla fatelo pure!
Blood & Souls for Arioch

[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #1 il: 2009-11-26 11:58:42 »
Inizio a ripostare quella che ho. Magari ricontrollala con quella che hai tu, perché non sono certo che sia la versione corretta.



Dopo aver passato l'infazia ad ascoltare i racconti di Gunther e dei suoi compagni, affezionati clienti della nostra locanda, non potevo certo diventare un topo di biblioteca. Quando fui grande abbastanza , con la benedizione dei genitori, feci fagotto e con la pattuglia di Gunther raggiunsi Lockhaven.
Ora il mio fiuto è al servizio della guardia.

Age: 22
Home: Sprucetuck
Fur color: Brown
Rank: Guardmouse
Cloack: Red
Parents: Trevor&Ingrid (Brewers)
Senior: Thom the harvester
Mentor: Brynn the pathfinder (a she)
Enemy: Sloan the miller
Friends: Gunther the oldfur

Nature (Mouse) 4/4
Will 3(1s/1f)
Health 5

Resources 2
Circles 3

Belief: I predatori ci possono insegnare molte cose.


Instinct: Sempre annusare, tutto e tutti.

Skills: Brewer 2, Fighter 3(1s), Harvester 2, Hunter 4, Loremouse 2, Pathfinder 4(4s), Persuader 2(1s), Scout 2(1s/1f), Predator-wise 2, Guard's tales-wise 2

Traits: Inquisitive (1), Wolf's Snout (1)

Gear: Spear

Fate point: 7
Persona point: 5

Condition: Tired


Modifiche: 25/3 aggiornato con le ricompense finali
« Ultima modifica: 2010-03-25 18:38:37 da Carlo »


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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #2 il: 2009-11-26 14:25:10 »

Age: 21
Home: Sprucetuck
Fur color: Biondo
Rank: Patrol Leader
Cloack: Royal Blu
Parents: Henson & IvY
Senior: Valmond il fabbro
Mentor: Thander
Enemy: Seyth un Patrol Leader
Friends: Dalia

Nature (Mouse) 3/4
Will 5
Health 5

Resources 6
Circles 5

Belief: Io sono responsabile del mio gruppo, non posso permettere che gli succeda nulla


Instinct: Annusa sempre l'aria quando sotto pressione

Skills: Fighter 3; Healer 4; Survivalist 3; Weather Watcher 6 (1s); Persuader 3 (1s); Smith 3; Wound-Wise 2; Mouse Guard Wise 2; Sea Wise 2

Traits: Young (1); Weather Sense (2)

Gear: Erbe medicinali, Spada

Fate point: ?
Persona point: ?

Condition: Healthy
« Ultima modifica: 2009-11-26 14:26:08 da Arioch »
Blood & Souls for Arioch


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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #3 il: 2009-11-26 14:34:17 »

Age: 19
Home: Ferndale
Fur color: Red
Rank: Guardmouse
Cloack: Dusty Green
Parents: Jeph & Jann
Senior: -
Mentor: Caley & Bayou [nell'orginale sarebbero Saxon & Kenzie]
Enemy: Nicoll the Brewer
Friends: Maya the Merchant

Nature (Mouse) 3/4
Will 3
Health 5

Resources 2
Circles 3

Belief: A guardmouse never gives up, no matter the danger.


Instinct: If there’s work to be done, always offer help.

Skills: Fighter 3; Pathfinder 3; Scout 5 (1f);  Persuader 2 (1s); Harvester 3; Laborer 2;  Hidey-Hole Wise 2; Scent Border Wise 2

Traits: Determined 1; Defender 1

Gear: Broadsword, whetstone

Fate point: ?
Persona point: ?

Condition: Injured
Blood & Souls for Arioch

Francesco Berni

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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #4 il: 2009-11-27 10:23:30 »

Age: 21
Home: Sprucetuck
Fur color: Biondo
Rank: Patrol Leader
Cloack: Royal Blu
Parents: Henson & IvY
Senior: Valmond il fabbro
Mentor: Thander
Enemy: Seyth un Patrol Leader
Friends: Dalia
contatti: Mill l'allevatore di lepri.

Nature (Mouse) 3/4(2s)
Will 5(1s, 1f)
Health 5(2s, 1f)

Resources 6(2s)
Circles 5(1s)

Belief: Io sono responsabile del mio gruppo, non posso permettere che gli succeda nulla

Goal: "Riportare a casa vivi qui quei deficenti temerari del mio gruppo"

Instinct: Annusa sempre l'aria quando sotto pressione

Skills: Fighter 3(2s); Healer 4(1f); Survivalist 3; Weather Watcher 6 (1s); Persuader 3 (1s); Smith 3; Wound-Wise 2; Mouse Guard Wise 2; Sea Wise 2

Traits: Young (1); Weather Sense (2)

Gear: Erbe medicinali, Spada, armatura leggera

Fate point: 3
Persona point: 4

check: 1

Condition: tired
« Ultima modifica: 2010-05-26 12:10:41 da Fra »
Nearby Gamersfan mail 34

Emanuele Borio

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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #5 il: 2009-12-18 18:27:24 »
Age: 15 tra un mese
Home: Ivydale
Fur color: White
Rank: Tenderpaw
Cloak: Gold
Parents: Abram(Harvester) & Sylvia(Baker)
Senior: Autumn The Weaver (Female)
Mentor: Sloan The Mercyless (Male, Harvester, Fighter)
Enemy: Lilly BlackCloak (A Guardmouse)
Friend: Rachel the Brewer's Daughter

Nature (Mouse) 4/6(3s, 1f)
Will 2(1s, 1f)
Health 6(1s)

Resources 4
Circles 2(1f)

Belief:A volte bisogna amputare il braccio per salvare la vita, la vera forza sta nel saper scegliere quando farlo.

Goal: Aspetto la missione.

Instinct: Quando qualcosa non le piace, non fa mai commenti, ma scuote il naso e arriccia le labbra.

Skills: Harvester 3, Healer 3, Cook 2, Baker 2, Persuader 2(1f, 1s), Weaver 2, Pathfinder 3(1f), Fighter 2

Traits: Hard Worker 1, Compassionate 1, Innocent 1

Gear: a long Bow, a little Knife, a Quiver with 10 Arrows

Fate point: 2
Persona point: 3


Qui tutti i passaggi della creazione:
Concept: Una giovanissima recluta insicura ma una grande lavoratrice, risparmiatrice, e stacanovista.

Guard Rank: Tenderpaw - Age 14, Will 2, Health 6

Mouse Nature: i save for winter(+1), i run and hide(+1), i fear owls, weasels, and wolves(+1) = 6

Were were you born: Ivydale

Pick an area in which you're naturally talented: Healer, Cook

What was your parent trade?: Harvester, Baker

How do you convince people?: Persuader

With whom did you apprentice for the guard? Weaver

What did your mentor stress in training? Pathfinder, Fighter

What kind of experience do you have in the guard?: Fighter, Pathfinder, Healer

What's your Speciality?: no, i'm a Tenderpaw

Tally:Harvester 3, Healer 3, Cook 2, Baker 2, Persuader 2, Weaver 2, Pathfinder 3, Fighter 2

What are you particularly knowledgeable about? Predator-Wise 2

Guard Resources: i practice Weaver in winter (+1), my parents aren't...(+0), i don't buy gifts (+0), i am Thrifty (+1), never been in debt(+0)m i always pack carefully (+1)= 4

Guard Circles: she make friends easily (+1), i haven't strong ties to the guard(+0), she haven't accomplished to a task in the guard(+0), she haven't powerful enemies (+0), she hasn't been convicted of a crime (+0), she isn't a loner (+0) = 2

Choose a quality you were born with: Innocent

Choose something you learned or inherited from you parents: Compassionate


Fur color: White as Snow

Parents:Abram(Harvester) & Sylvia(Baker)

Senior artisan: Autumn The Weaver (Female)

Mentor: Sloan The Mercyless (Male, Harvester, Fighter)

Friend: Rachel the Brewer's Daughter

Enemy: Lilly BlackCloak (A Guardmouse)

Cloak color:Gold

Belief:A volte bisogna amputare il braccio per salvare la vita, la vera forza sta nel saper scegliere quando farlo.

Goal:Riuscire a tornare a casa, per poter avvertire Gwendolyn dell'imminente attacco delle infide donnole.

Instinct: Quando qualcosa non le piace, non fa mai commenti, ma scuote il naso e arriccia le labbra.

Gear: Bow, Knife, Quiver, 10 Arrows

Starting rewards: Fate 1, Persona 1
« Ultima modifica: 2010-02-16 22:38:49 da Meme ò_ò »
Ciao, sono Meme! - Fanmail 64 - DN=2 - Ingegnere delle Scienze Agrarie, Contadino, Nerd di Professione.

Michael Tangherlini

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[Mouse Guard] Schede
« Risposta #6 il: 2010-04-19 08:26:51 »

Age: 19
Home: Ferndale
Fur color: Red
Rank: Guardmouse
Cloack: Dusty Green
Parents: Jeph & Jann
Senior: -
Mentor: Caley & Bayou [nell'orginale sarebbero Saxon & Kenzie]
Enemy: Nicoll the Brewer
Friends: Maya the Merchant

Nature (Mouse) 3/4
Will 3
Health 5
Resources 2
Circles 3

Belief: A guardmouse never gives up, no matter the danger.
Instinct: If there’s work to be done, always offer help.

Skills: Fighter 3; Pathfinder 3; Scout 5 (1f); Persuader 2 (1s); Harvester 3; Laborer 2; Hidey-Hole Wise 2; Scent Border Wise 2
Traits: Determined 1; Defender 1
Gear: Broadsword, whetstone

Fate point:
Persona point:


My body is a cage / My mind holds the key (Peter Gabriel - My body is a cage)
