Age: 15 tra un mese
Home: Ivydale
Fur color: White
Rank: Tenderpaw
Cloak: Gold
Parents: Abram(Harvester) & Sylvia(Baker)
Senior: Autumn The Weaver (Female)
Mentor: Sloan The Mercyless (Male, Harvester, Fighter)
Enemy: Lilly BlackCloak (A Guardmouse)
Friend: Rachel the Brewer's Daughter
Nature (Mouse) 4/6(3s, 1f)
Will 2(1s, 1f)
Health 6(1s)
Resources 4
Circles 2(1f)
Belief:A volte bisogna amputare il braccio per salvare la vita, la vera forza sta nel saper scegliere quando farlo.
Goal: Aspetto la missione.
Instinct: Quando qualcosa non le piace, non fa mai commenti, ma scuote il naso e arriccia le labbra.
Skills: Harvester 3, Healer 3, Cook 2, Baker 2, Persuader 2(1f, 1s), Weaver 2, Pathfinder 3(1f), Fighter 2
Traits: Hard Worker 1, Compassionate 1, Innocent 1
Gear: a long Bow, a little Knife, a Quiver with 10 Arrows
Fate point: 2
Persona point: 3
Qui tutti i passaggi della creazione:
Concept: Una giovanissima recluta insicura ma una grande lavoratrice, risparmiatrice, e stacanovista.
Guard Rank: Tenderpaw - Age 14, Will 2, Health 6
Mouse Nature: i save for winter(+1), i run and hide(+1), i fear owls, weasels, and wolves(+1) = 6
Were were you born: Ivydale
Pick an area in which you're naturally talented: Healer, Cook
What was your parent trade?: Harvester, Baker
How do you convince people?: Persuader
With whom did you apprentice for the guard? Weaver
What did your mentor stress in training? Pathfinder, Fighter
What kind of experience do you have in the guard?: Fighter, Pathfinder, Healer
What's your Speciality?: no, i'm a Tenderpaw
Tally:Harvester 3, Healer 3, Cook 2, Baker 2, Persuader 2, Weaver 2, Pathfinder 3, Fighter 2
What are you particularly knowledgeable about? Predator-Wise 2
Guard Resources: i practice Weaver in winter (+1), my parents aren't...(+0), i don't buy gifts (+0), i am Thrifty (+1), never been in debt(+0)m i always pack carefully (+1)= 4
Guard Circles: she make friends easily (+1), i haven't strong ties to the guard(+0), she haven't accomplished to a task in the guard(+0), she haven't powerful enemies (+0), she hasn't been convicted of a crime (+0), she isn't a loner (+0) = 2
Choose a quality you were born with: Innocent
Choose something you learned or inherited from you parents: Compassionate
Fur color: White as Snow
Parents:Abram(Harvester) & Sylvia(Baker)
Senior artisan: Autumn The Weaver (Female)
Mentor: Sloan The Mercyless (Male, Harvester, Fighter)
Friend: Rachel the Brewer's Daughter
Enemy: Lilly BlackCloak (A Guardmouse)
Cloak color:Gold
Belief:A volte bisogna amputare il braccio per salvare la vita, la vera forza sta nel saper scegliere quando farlo.
Goal:Riuscire a tornare a casa, per poter avvertire Gwendolyn dell'imminente attacco delle infide donnole.
Instinct: Quando qualcosa non le piace, non fa mai commenti, ma scuote il naso e arriccia le labbra.
Gear: Bow, Knife, Quiver, 10 Arrows
Starting rewards: Fate 1, Persona 1