Autore Topic: [Fiasco] Domande sulla seconda edizione  (Letto 12698 volte)

Daniele Di Rubbo

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[Fiasco] Domande sulla seconda edizione
« il: 2020-08-21 20:34:31 »
Ho deciso di portare la seconda edizione di Fiasco a GnoccoCON 2020, mi sono deciso a stampare il materiale e a rileggere le regole. Nel farlo, mi sono accorto di un paio di punti che non erano chiarissimi e ho scritto a Bully Pulpit Games, l’editore, per avere dei chiarimenti. Mi ha risposto quasi subito Steve Segedy, il braccio destro di Jason Morningstar, chiarendo i miei dubbi. Ve li riporto sotto per spirito di condivisione.


During the Tilt, each player adds the value of their two Outcome cards. Whoever has the highest red total chooses any red Outcome card as an element of the Tilt to be introduced in the second act; whoever has the highest blue total does the same with the blue cards. The rulebook says that these Outcome cards used for the Tilt remain in front of the players who had them.

My question is: should these cards be added to the other Outcome cards when calculating the Aftermath values?


Yes, the Outcome cards chosen for the Tilt still belong to the player they’re sitting in front of, and they should use their value when they count up the Aftermath results. The only thing shared with other players is the Tilt text.


This question comes from the one above. During the Judgment phase, each player can give one of their Outcome cards to another player. Can you choose to give away the Outcome card that was used as a Tilt element or can you choose only the other three Outcome cards in your hand?


The rules in the Judgment section say “each player may... give one of their facedown Outcome cards to another player.” So the answer is no, the Outcome card used for the Tilt (which should be face-up on the table, showing the Tilt text and value) should not be given away. The player should choose from one of their remaining (facedown) cards.
« Ultima modifica: 2020-08-21 20:39:53 da Daniele Di Rubbo »
