Autore Topic: [Sweet Agatha] Cracking the code [english]  (Letto 2349 volte)

Moreno Roncucci

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[Sweet Agatha] Cracking the code [english]
« il: 2019-04-03 15:02:17 »
Fra le cose recuperate dal defunto g+ c'è questo post di Daniele di Rubbo (che riposto qui con il suo permesso) sugli oscuri messaggi in codice nel manuale di Sweet Agatha   8)

Attenzione: SPOILER: come chiarito dalla discussione (in questa e altre circostanze), NON C'È BISOGNO DI DECIFRARE NULLA per giocare. Sono più degli "easter egg" per chi vuole decifrarli, un "gioco nel gioco", e magari preferite giocare a risolverlo voi invece di leggere subito la soluzione.

Io invece sono pigro e quindi ringrazio Daniele per avermi risparmiato la fatica...   ;D

Sweet Agatha: Cracking the code

OK, it’s official: I’m crazy about this game!

In fact, while I was reading +Ron Edwards and +Tim Koppang’s actual play on “The Forge” (, I was caught by this sentence:

“The day after playing, I cracked the code; it's pretty easy if you put all of the instances of its use together.”

Therefore, I said to myself: “Well, let’s figure out what is written in those messages!”

And that’s why I am here.

I counted four coded messages: the first one is on the cover of the game, the second one is on the cover of a blue book on p. 9 (PDF numeration), the third one is on the CD cover on p. 10, the fourth one is on a yellow squared page on p. 23.

The first I cracked was the third one, just because its meaning is noted (and deleted with a struck through line) below it:

“For you.”

Then, I decoded the first one (on the cover):

“What has been lost can always (b)e found.”

Here there is a curious thing: the text actually says “we found”, but it doesn’t make sense, as long as it goes my understanding of the English language. +Kevin Allen Jr., please, could you tell me if I’m missing something, or if it simply is a mistake?

Then, I decoded the second one (on the blue book):

“Broadcast guide”

and it does make sense!

At last, I decoded the fourth one (on the yellow squared page):

“In a dup[ ]str behind the hope black-eyed and blood lost a yellow wopa.”

This last message is literally driving me mad. I can’t decode “dup[ ]str” (one missing letter) and I can’t understand what a “wopa” is.

Is out there somewhere anyone willing to help me to understand?

Fra le varie risposte:

Tim Koppang
I hate to get all artsy, but I'm of the opinion that the code cannot be "cracked" outside the context of a particular story, and hence certain imperfections. Although to answer your question less cagily, I believe "dupstr" is an imperfect rendering of "dumpster."

Kevin Allen Jr.
With Sweet Agatha I want you to feel like you're always grasping at a mystery that you don't quite have all the pieces to solve. Why should the last puzzle it gives up be any different?
I will say this: your cryptography and your english is impeccable.

Daniele Di Rubbo
+Tim Koppang, I can see what you are saying about the emerging narrative and, to be honest, my opinion is that you don't have to crack the code to play (and, in fact, we didn’t crack it while we were playing: it would have been a completely different – and misunderstood, I guess – game).
It’s just a maniacal goal I thought was funny to accomplish to see what were the secret messages the author put in his game.
And, yes, thanks for the hint about the “dumpster”. ;-)

+Kevin Allen Jr., that’s an answer which makes me understand that my goal was a silly one, after all. ;-)

Kevin Allen Jr.
Not silly at all. You don't put coded messages in a game and not hope/expect players to crack it.
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Daniele Di Rubbo

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Re:[Sweet Agatha] Cracking the code [english]
« Risposta #1 il: 2019-04-03 20:23:27 »
Nonostante sulla carta sia esattamente il contrario di quello che mi piace trovare meccanicamente in un gioco, Sweet Agatha ha una premessa e un color che spaccano troppo per i miei gusti, ragioni per le quali lo adoro, nonostante tutto.

Segnalo che avevo allegato al post originale su Google+ anche delle foto che facevano vedere il codice da me utilizzato per la decifrazione, e provvedo a linkarle qui.
