Autore Topic: [Home By Dark] FAQ  (Letto 4248 volte)

[Home By Dark] FAQ
« il: 2017-08-31 15:47:04 »
Ciao a tutti,

Nel caso possano essere utili a qualcuno posto un paio di FAQ a proposito del gioco “Home By Dark” (Jason Olsan, 2017) derivanti da una mia chiaccherata con l’autore.


Q: Who can play a Hope or Responsibility card?

A: They must be played BY a person in the scene ON a person in the scene. This may help prompt your players when deciding who goes in a scene ("Oh, my hope card requires Sally, so I'm going to add Sally to my next scene").


Q: Danger creation: is it enough to give it a name and find some manifestation, learning more about it during the dedicated scenes, or it's better to figure it more deeply since the beginning of the game? I mean: the Danger is intended to be created with many or few details? Or it's completely up to players to decide the amount of details, with danger name and manifestations as the only mandatory requirements?

A: The Danger can be as detailed or as simple as you want it to be. You can keep it simple and expand on it more in the story. Or you can build up a very detailed Danger if you have ideas for it. Either way is fine.

The manifestations are there to help inspire more details as the story continues.
You are correct that the only mandatory requirements are the name of the Danger and its manifestations.

Q: Playing a Scene: as far as I understand the spotlight character and her companion/s are similar to traditional PC, while it's non active players' duty to play NPC, is it correct?
The differences from a more traditional rpg are that the pillar is chosen by spotlight player and the question as well; in addition, the spotlight player has the final word in case of any controversy in and out of game for that scene, and setting description is shared between spotlight and on active players. Is my understanding correct?
A: I'd say that your understanding is pretty close to correct.

The spotlight character and any characters that the spotlight player brings in are like traditional PCs. Anyone else not in the scene (or even some in the scene if they want to) can play other characters that show up in the scene like NPCs.

Often, some players won't have any part in the scene and that's fine. They're part of the audience, enjoying the story being told.

The setting description is where the whole story should take place. Sometimes, the story might move somewhere else, but most of the story will take place where the setting describes.

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Daniele Di Rubbo

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Re:[Home By Dark] FAQ
« Risposta #1 il: 2017-09-01 15:46:08 »
Non ho ancora letto il gioco, ma ti assegno fan mail d’ufficio, visto che ti chiesi io di postarle. Grazie! ;)

Simone Micucci

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Re:[Home By Dark] FAQ
« Risposta #2 il: 2017-09-01 19:25:41 »
Che gioco è?
Simone Micucci - GcG Global Fac - Fan Mail: 70 - Pacche sulla Spalla: 1. "Difficile avere nemici con Caldo+3"

Daniele Di Rubbo

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Re:[Home By Dark] FAQ
« Risposta #3 il: 2017-09-01 19:41:43 »
Ti posso rispondere solo sul genere di riferimento. Praticamente è il gioco di ruolo di Stranger Things. Indie al 100%.

Simone Micucci

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Re:[Home By Dark] FAQ
« Risposta #4 il: 2017-09-01 21:27:01 »
Simone Micucci - GcG Global Fac - Fan Mail: 70 - Pacche sulla Spalla: 1. "Difficile avere nemici con Caldo+3"

Re:[Home By Dark] FAQ
« Risposta #5 il: 2018-08-17 18:26:04 »
Come avevo accennato sto integrando queste precisazioni nella traduzione ma mi trovo di fronte a dubbi ancora maggiori.

Nelle regole si fa riferimento per ben due volte ai cartoncini/carte Scena (Scene card), solo che questi cartoncini non esistono, sembrano il retaggio di una prima stesura. Per carità basta riscrivere la frase e il gioco è sempre quello ma ovviamente vorrei sapere cosa dice l'autore. Tu, Daniele, come l'hai contattato? Ne avete per caso già parlato?
"Un irrequieto pigro è la nemesi di se stesso"
